The facility
Located at the Technology & Innovation Centre (TIC) of the University of Strathclyde. The centre aims at accelerate the collaboration between researchers in academia and industry. They can work side-by-side on projects spanning manufacturing, health, ocean air and space and energy.
The Concurrent and Collaborative Design Studio has been released in October 2015 and is managed by the ICE laboratory of the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. It is equipped with:
- 18 workstations equipped with Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) & Windows 7 operating systems
- 16 workstations with dedicated tools: Mission Analysis, Flight Dynamics, GNC/AOCS, Operations, Telecom, Propulsion, Structure, Thermal, Power, On Board Data Handling, CFD, Risk Analysis, Cost Analysis & Project Management, LCA, Science and Optimisation
- 1 workstation for System Engineer
- 1 workstation for laptop.
- Ubuntu 14.04.4 virtual server.
- ESA Open Concurrent Design Tool (OCDT): client/server software package for concurrent design. It implements the semantic data model defined in ECSS-E-TM-10-25 Technical Memorandum, titled System Engineering – Engineering Design Model Data Exchange (CDF).
- Each workstation is media (video/audio) connected to the system engineering workstation for sharing video and audio content within the room.
- Video conference capabilities (Polycom, skype, gotomeeting and major web-based videoconferencing systems): 3 main cameras, 1 webcam for each workstation, main room audio with recording facility, 1 microphone for each workstation.
The Research Opportunities
Create a network of concurrent design centres
- Distributed Design sessions
- Share computational resources and tools
- Towards an automation of the design process: allocate and distribute computational resources according to the available computational power and tools
- Towards a cloud based service for sharing tools and resources
Simulate peer-to-peer design sessions and dynamics
- Use the network to simulate dynamics in the design process and develop resilient and fault tolerant strategies for engineering design
Create a shared database of information
- Design session outputs are saved in a database structure and shared among the network peers
- Towards the creation of a cloud platform for engineering design to share and reuse data across multiple disciplines and borders
- Easy access to large quantity of data for analytics
- Data-Driven System Engineering Design: extract knowledge from historical datasets and online resources to build a database of lesson learnt as support for the design engineer
The Industrial Engagement
The facility is available for hiring by professionals aiming at running concurrent engineering design sessions. Proprietary disciplinary softwares can be temporary installed and consultancy contracts with a wide range of discipline experts, as well as system engineers, can be initiated. Please contact for more information and quotations.