Summary: The development of a modern Space Transportation System (STS) is an expensive, long-term project where many design decisions need to be taken at a very early stage – indeed, before many elements of the technology are fully characterised or even understood. The challenge is to understand how the effects of this early uncertainty can be captured in the design process so that the end-product can be guaranteed to meet its mission requirements.
This PhD project has been extend our modelling and simulation capabilities in the field of robust, reliability-based multi-disciplinary design of space transportation systems, and is particularly focusing on understanding how uncertainty propagates through the design process. The methodology is used in conjunction with our industrial partner to help develop innovative and robust design methodologies for the next generation of space-access systems.
Timeframe: March 2015 – February 2018
People: Edmondo Minisci
Sponsors: Airbus Defence and Space, Airbus Safran Launchers