Associated Publications

The well-known journal “Optimization” will devote a special issue to EUROPT 2019. The issue will be [guest-]edited by Giancarlo Bigi (EUROPT Chair), Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz (EUROPT Fellow 2011 and former EiC of the journal), and Edmondo Minisci (EUROPT 2019 Program chair). The deadline for submissions has been set to 31 October 2019 31  December 2019 (extended). Below you can find detailed instructions for the submission procedure. Please, feel free to contact any of the guest-editors at any time.


Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research


Special Issue “17th Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization (EUROPT 2019)”

The editors plan to publish a special issue dedicated to the “17th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization” (EUROPT 2019), which was held during 28-29 June 2019 at the University of Strathclyde.

The call for papers addresses the growing research interest in optimization from the theoretical as well as from the application point of view. The objective of this special issue of Optimization is to present advances in mathematical optimization and related areas. At least one author per paper must have attended the “17th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization”.

The journal “Optimization” is abstracted and indexed in: Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet; Science Citation Index Expanded; Zentralblatt MATH/Mathematics Abstracts and Zetoc. Astrophysics Data System; SciBase; British Library Inside; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; EBSCO Databases; ISI Current Contents – Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences; New Journal.

Submitted papers will be considered as potential full-paper publications in this special issue subject to peer reviews, and should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be refereed with the same standards as leading international journals. The main criteria for acceptance are the quality and originality of the contribution.

Guest Editors
Giancarlo Bigi
email: giancarlo.bigi at
Juan Enrique Martínez Legaz
email: JuanEnrique.Martinez.Legaz at
Edmondo Minisci
email: edmondo.minisci at

Prospective authors should follow the manuscript format described below at the journal site
Authors have to submit their papers through the Manuscript Central website

During the submission procedure authors have to answer the question

‘Is the manuscript a candidate for a special issue? Here one has to tick ‘yes’

and then in the box

‘If yes, what is the title of the special issue:’ one has to select “EUROPT 2019”.

Then corresponding manuscripts can be quickly identified and assigned to the Guest Editors who are processing these manuscripts.

The submission deadline for papers is set to 31 October 2019 31  December 2019 (extended).