The 5th workshop on Optimisation in Space Engineering (OSE) will be organised on the 21-22 November 2019 by the European Space Agency, the University of Strathclyde,the Jožef Stefan Institute of Ljubljana and ESTECO.
The goal of the OSE initiative is to provide a forum for space companies, universities, research institutes and organisations to discuss recent advances in space technology and further research in the area of optimisation in space engineering.

The workshop is held this year in conjunction with the second Global Virtual Workshop (GVWII) of UTOPIAE. UTOPIAE is a European research and training network looking at cutting edge methods bridging optimisation and uncertainty quantification applied to aerospace systems.


20th September 2019 30th September 2019: Presentation title and abstract submission
27th September 2019 4th October 2019: Notification of acceptance & registrations open
18th October 2019 25th October 2019: Early registration closes (late registrations will be possible till the date of the event,  subject to higher fees)

Information on the workshop goals and topics
Previous Editions
Information on previous workshop editions
Abstract Submission
Abstract upload page
Information on registration fees and procedure

Venue & Local info
Information on Ljubljana (accommodation and transportation) and on the Workshop venue
Information on the workshop programme and related events
Special Issue Announcement:

  • 23 November, 2019: Submissions open
  • May 2020: Submissions close
  • October 2020: Publication

Guillermo Ortega (ESA/ESTEC-MPA)
Massimo Casasco (ESA/ESTEC-SAG)
Celia Yabar (ESA/ESTEC-SAG)
Massimiliano Vasile (University of Strathclyde)
Edmondo Minisci (University of Strathclyde)
Annalisa Riccardi (University of Strathclyde)


Gregor Papa (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Peter Korošec (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Vida Vukašinović (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Carlo Poloni (ESTECO)
Mariapia Marchi (ESTECO)
Carlos Kavka (ESTECO)