When: 13-15 September 2017
Where: Madrid, Spain
Conference: 12th EUROGEN, International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems
Important dates:
14th of April: deadline submission extended abstract
2nd of June: notification of acceptance
8th of July: deadline submission full paper
Mini symposium description: Across all fields of Engineering Sciences, many design problems are multidisciplinary in nature. An optimal design can be achieved if all the disciplines are concurrently considered in an integrated approach. In MDO the whole is more than the sum of the parts, therefore the optimum of the integrated problem is superior to the design found by optimizing each discipline independently. However, including all disciplines simultaneously significantly increases the complexity of the problem. The optimal design of each discipline can be in itself a hard and computationally intensive optimization problem. In addition, the definition of the level of fidelity of the model for each discipline, the interexchange of variables of different nature (the output of one discipline can become the input to another) and the increased dimensionality, contribute to make the problem considerably harder. The largest number of applications is in the field of aerospace engineering, such as aircraft and spacecraft design in which aerodynamics, structural analysis, propulsion, control theory, and economics are integrated in a single optimization process. But many techniques have been developed and applied in a number of different fields, including automotive design, naval architecture, electronics, computers, and electricity distribution.
This special session intends to collect many, diverse efforts made in the development of methods and techniques for multidisciplinary design optimization across all the fields of engineering and physical sciences. The session seeks to bring together researchers from around the globe for a stimulating discussion on recent advances in MDO methods for the solution of any engineering problem. The session looks with particular interest for (but not limited to) nature inspired methods specifically devised, adapted or tailored to address problems in MDO applications or nature inspired methods that were demonstrated to be particularly effective at solving MDO related problems. Furthermore, new examples of real-world applications of MDO techniques are welcome.
Topics: Authors are invited to submit papers on one or more of the following topics:
- Multi-Objective Optimization Methods in MDO
- Evolutionary Optimisation in MDO
- Uncertainty Treatment in MDO
- Integrated System and Control Design
- Optimization by Multi-fidelity Modelling
- Optimization by Space Reduction Techniques
- Concurrent Engineering and Distributed CE
- Distributed and Parallel MDO
- Game Theory Approaches to MDO
- Topology MDO
- Data analytic for MDO
- Knowledge Based Engineering for MDO
- Model Based Systems Engineering for MDO
Submission guidelines: instructions for authors are given at the following conference page
Annalisa Riccardi (annalisa.riccardi@strath.ac.uk),
Edmondo Minisci (edmondo.minisci@strath.ac.uk),
Massimiliano Vasile (massimiliano.vasile@strath.ac.uk)